A collection of essays, articles, excerpts from longer works, drawings, and photo-essays selected to apply psychology to personal development, organized by themes of identity, human communication, growth dynamics, feelings and emotions, human relationships, and a quality life. Discussion questions f
For courses in Adjustment/Personal Growth, Human Relations, and Freshman Orientation. Written in a warm and humanistic style with an abundance of examples this solid, comprehensive introduction to the essentials of...
Psychology and Personal Growth
The workbook aligns active learning and critical thinking applications with the twelve core chapters of Compton and Hoffman’s textbook, but could easily be a benefit to other Positive Psychology texts or support courses and texts where a ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Test Item Book for Psychology and Personal Growth
Psychology of Adjustment: Personal Growth in a Changing World
The personal and social factors involved in learning about ourselves, setting personal goals, taking control of our lives, and becoming a contributing member of society are main issues examined by this book.
Personal Growth and Behavior
Personality and Personal Growth
The Self; Explorations in Personal Growth