A comprehensive, yet engaging book, that covers both the clinical aspects of health psychology with the research related to important health issues. Integrating diversity and mind-body issues, the book helps readers identify the hot topics in the field and presents fascinating case studies that help make the field relevant to the lives of the reader. For anyone interested in health psychology, and mind-body issues.
How does behavior contribute to wellness or illness? This comprehensive volume answers these questions and others with a state-of-the-art overview of theory, research, and practice at the interface of psychology and health.
Smoking status of Australian general practice patients and their attempts to quit. Addictive Behavior, 31, 758–766. Dorn, J.M., Hovey, K., Williams, B.A., Freudenheim, J.L., Russell, M., Nochajski, T.H. & Trevisan, M. (2007).
This edition is updated to reflect the latest developments in the field, and includes many new real-world examples selected for their interest and relevance to today's students.
The Health Psychology Reader is designed to complement and support the recent textbook Health Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice by David F. Marks, Michael Murray, Brian Evans and Carla Willig (SAGE, 2000).
Health Psychology: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection introduces students to the story of health psychology through clear connections between the science and the real world.
This simple and concise introduction to the psychology of health is the perfect text for students new to the area.
Offering a balanced perspective, this text incorporates the latest research findings and statistics. It provides explanations of biological, psychological and social factors in health issues, reinforced with case studies.
[58] Marshall S. J., Biddle S. J. (2001). The transtheoretical model of behavior change: a meta-analysis of applications to physical activity and exercise. Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral ...
More on prevention and/or interventions and treatment in the applications section. The book opens with the fields central theories including a "newer" stress theory that emphasizes the interaction of biological and social systems.
This book describes how health psychologists can work as consultants to medical teams by helping patients adjust to illness, and assessing and treating common issues, including depression, anxiety, pain, delirium and end of life care.