Up-to-date and comprehensive, this book offers a thorough discussion of qualitative and quantitative research methods in criminal justice. The authors discuss the underlying logic of each approach as well as how to collect and analyze data for each, showing readers the larger context in which criminal justice science is done. The interdependence between theory and method is emphasized throughout, along with the importance of making alternative philosophical assumptions when doing research. Readers gain a solid foundation to use as they continue their study of methodology or conduct research techniques in applied settings. The book covers all eight major methodological topics, with an emphasis on qualitative research methods, global perspective, and comparative/critical perspective. In addition it includes a unique treatment of white-collar crime, extensive coverage of ethical and political issues, and a section on how to find and read articles and write a literature review.
Jamie A. Snyder, University of West Florida Rebecca Stone, Suffolk University Lindsey Vigesaa, PhD, St. Cloud State University Jennifer Wareham, PhD, Wayne State University Jessica J. Warner, Miami University Regionals Qiang Xu, ...
This third edition is designed as an introduction to research methods in criminal justice techniques.
First edition published by Pearson 2007 Second edition published by Pearson 2011 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Kraska, Peter B., 1961– author. | Brent, John J., author.
This concise text introduces students to the fundamental methodologies of research in criminology and criminal justice, with an emphasis on the application of research methods directly relevant to the real world of criminal justice.
Now even more accessible and student-friendly, the Sixth Edition of the market-leading RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY combines the scholarship, accuracy, and conversational tone of Earl Babbie’s bestselling THE ...
This book explains and illustrates criminal justice research topics, including ethics in research, research design, causation, operationalization of variables, sampling, methods of data collection (including surveys), reliance on existing ...
Of Theory P.75
Carlson , C. I. , & Bunner , M. R. ( 1993 ) . Effects of methylphenidate on the academic performance of children with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities . School Psychology Review , 22 , 184–198 .
This invaluable reference work: Offers a comprehensive survey of international research designs, methods, and statistical techniques Includes contributions from leading figures in the field Contains data on criminology and criminal justice ...
Based on Earl Babbie's best-selling text, THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, this text combines the key strengths of Babbie's text (accessibility; a conversational, "friendly" writing style; and great examples) with Michael G. Maxfield's ...