Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology

Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology
Psychology / General
Allyn and Bacon
Jean E. Dumas, Wendy J. Nilsen


Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology approaches child and adolescent behavior from a developmental perspective to allow readers to incorporate multiple theories into an integrated understanding of child behavior. Child Psychopathology integrates varied (Developmental, biological, familiar, etc.) contexts in a user-friendly format that allows readers to fully understand child maladaptive behavior. This book employs state-of-the-art material combining case studies, diagnostic issues, research, and Internet Web sites to illustrate that child and adolescent "abnormal" behavior does not occur in a vacuum, and that inside of each of these disorders are real children with real strengths and weaknesses. Child and adolescent psychologists, therapist, teachers of special education.

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