Designed to teach students how to conduct high-quality online research and to document it properly, this guide provides access to Research Navigator(tm) (, providing students and instructors with instant access to thousands of academic journals and periodicals any time from any computer with an Internet connection. Now updated with a new Research Navigator User's Guide, Research Navigator guides are free when packaged with any Allyn & Bacon/Longman text. With discipline-specific academic resources, and helpful tips on the writing process, online research, and finding and citing valid sources, starting the research process has never been easier!
This updated booklet includes tips, resources, and URLs to aid students conducting research on Pearson Education's research website, The guide contains a student access code for the Research Navigator...
Favorites History Research PEARSON PEARSON PEARSON Using Research Navigator FELERON Prene Custom Hall Palirtins RESOURCES * O * COLLEGE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS Home Research Process Finding Sources Using Your Library New ...
Gives students access to the most current information available via EBSCO's Content Select Academic Journal Database, "The New York Times "Search By Subject Archive, "Best of the Web" Link Library and information on the latest news and ...
Criminal Justice & Research Navigator GD Pk
Criminal Justice in Kentucky (Valuepack Item Only)
Elementary Statistics in Criminal Justice Research: The Essentials, Instructor's Manual and Test Bank (Online Only)
Research Navigator Back Ford Refresh Home Print Mail Wedness http : // www researchnavigator com / index.html go PEARSON PEARSON Using Research Navigator PERSON PEARSON Pante Research Favorites History Search Scrapbool ...
This revised and expanded reference guide incorporates all major sources of information available to the student of criminal justice.
"Corrected and reprinted, with author index prepared by Dorothy Campbell Culver."
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Trawick-Smith, J. (2006). Early childhood development: A multicultural perspective (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Troia, G. A. (2004).