-Maria Schell You don't have to punch a time clock or account for every minute . The only time you need to set the alarm clock is to make an early tee time , to go motorcycling , or to play tennis . It's all right to take a leisurely ...
Survival of the Unfittest: A Study of Geriatric Patients in Glasgow
Donahue , W. Relationship of age of perceivers to their social perceptions . Gerontologist , 1965 , 5 , 241-245 , 276–277 . Jones , H.E. Intelligence and problem - solving . In J.E. Birren ( Ed . ) Handbook of aging and the individual ...
Encompasses all aspects of aging, covering a variety of disciplines including biology, medicine, economics, law psychology, sociology and history, and also explores related issues such as religion, spirituality, and ethics....
Provides current, up-to-date information on a rapidly changing field. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
Taking Care of Old People at Home
If you have a wart on your finger , say , and nick your face shaving , cover up the cut and try not to touch your face — that little gash is an open invitation for your wart to spread . And if you have a plantar wart , do yourself and ...
Lowenstein DA , Amigo E , Duara R , et al . A new scale for the assessment of functional status in ... Duncan PW , Weiner DK , Chandler J , Studentski S. Functional reach : A new clinical measure of balance . J Gerontol : Med Sci .
Kosnik , W. , L. Winslow , D. Kline , K. Rasinski , and R. Sekuler . 1988. “ Visual Changes in Daily Life Throughout Adulthood . ” Journal of Gerontology : Psychological Sciences 43 : 63–70 . Koty , J. 1933. Die Behandlung der Alten und ...
Designed to educate consumers about financial issues associated with aging, these two volumes contain 185 alphabetically arranged articles on topics related to financial education, advisors, and support; economic and income security; ...