Long considered the gold standard, the Seventh Edition of this best-selling topical approach to child development continues its tradition of being the most current and comprehensive text available.
Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher in the field of child development, has revised her Child Development text, adding new pedagogy, a heightened emphasis on the interplay between biology and environment, expanded coverage of culture, and an enhanced focus on education, health, and social issues, including many social policy topics addressed throughout the text. Berk's revision provides contemporary and cohesive coverage on contexts for development, including but also extending beyond the family to peers, schooling, media, neighborhoods, communities, and societal values and priorities.
In the Seventh Edition, Berk consulted with Canadian contributor Stuart Shanker, accomplished professor of developmental psychology at York University, to expand the text's coverage of Canadian content and to offer an integrated North American representation of the field. This balanced North American perspective provides students with a greatly enriched opportunity to learn about social and cultural contexts for development. Berk presents both classic and emerging theories in an especially clear, engaging writing style, with a multitude of research-based and real-world examples. Strengthening the connections between theory and applications, this edition's extensive revision highlights the most recent scholarship in the field, giving students an especially clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of child development. The effective topical organization consistently emphasizes the interrelatedness of all development - physical, cognitive, emotional, and social - throughout the text narrative and in special features.
This collection brings together key journal articles in the field on a range of issues such the relative contribution of genetics and the environment, the way in which the brain re-wires itself at critical points in
This innovative text engages students by demonstrating the wide range of real-world applications of psychological research to child development.
Throughout the text, real-life examples and anecdotes bring theory and research to life Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Organized chronologically, the book features a variety of student-focused tools that make the study of development interesting and engaging.
As an aid to practitioners, this book matches developmental ages with appropriate, evidence-based mental health interventions.
Smith , P. K. ( 1982 ) . How important is fantasy play ? Set : Research Information for Teachers , No. 2 . Smith , P. K. ( 1983 ) . Training in fantasy play . Early Child Development and Care , 11 , 217-226 . Smith , P. K. ( 1988 ) .
... 105 Rousseau, J. 4, 19 Rubinstein, S. 126, 127, 136–9, 160, 237, 270 Russell, A. 163, 174 Russell, B. 6, 7, 16, 26 Russia (see also Soviet Union) 3, 109, 127, 136, 158 Rutter, M. 99, 105, 243, 271 qualitative research 162, 163, 169, ...
The new e-book format gives students a more economical, interactive choice. A variety of practical tools and pedagogical aids ensure comprehension of the chapter material.
This edition is fully up-to-date with current policy and legislation and now includes: New "Research boxes" in each chapter helping students link theory to practice Increased coverage on children’s social and emotional development A new ...
Whether you use this book as a child care provider, teacher, or parent, you will find it comprehensive and accessible.