Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing

Reaching Audiences: A Guide to Media Writing
Reaching Audiences
Language Arts & Disciplines / Communication Studies
Pearson Allyn and Bacon
Jan Johnson Yopp, Katherine C. McAdams


"Reaching Audiences" provides a brief yet thorough guide to correct, clear writing for the media. This text sets up the writing process and shows students how to accomplish each task in a mass media context. Throughout the book, the importance of the audience in considering media and messages is stressed. Illustrative and specific real life examples provide students with guidance for improving their writing. Specific skills related to spelling, grammar, accuracy, word usage, bias, research, interviewing, and other important topics are covered. By recognizing that today's students are preparing for careers in a changing media environment, this text covers a wide range of fields (print, electronic media, public relations, and advertising) and illuminates the differences and similarities in writing styles among them. New in the 4th Edition

  • Features 2 new chapters:
    • Editing has been given its own chapter (Ch. 3) with coverage expanded to include online editing, providing students with up-to-date information and tips for editing in multiple platforms.
    • The three types of stories beginning reporters generally write - features, obituaries, and speeches - are discussed in chapter 7, preparing students for work they will do when they first work as reporters.
  • The chapter on bias has been expanded to cover religion and under-reported groups such as people living in poverty, helping students increase their awareness about the variety of stories possible and how to report on them.
  • Updated examples throughout the book include legal and ethical issues, enhancing students understanding of the complexity and nuances of professional reporting.
Praise for "Reaching Audiences" " " The focus of this text is perfect. I'm a strong believer that mass media writers must consider audience, above all, when writing. [In this text] there isn't extraneous material. It goes to the point of each media style and includes good examples. ~ James Aucoin, "University of South"" Alabama" I think this text is an excellent one... ~ Roberta Kelly, "Washington"" State University" " " It's the only book which addresses writing fundamentals in a basic and usable way. ~ Deborah Petersen-Perlman, "University"" of Minnesota"" Duluth" " " "Reaching Audiences" is straightforward and to the point. The authors work hard at making points very clear in each chapter and section. They speak directly to students with direct language. ~ Betsy B. Alderman, "University"" of Tennessee"" at Chattanooga"

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