Adapted from the authors' top-selling public speaking text,Public Speaking Handbookprovides a unique, audience-centered approach in a reader-friendly reference format, allowing quick and easy access to key information. Public Speaking Handbookbrings theory and practice together in an understandable and applicable manner. Its distinctive and popular approach emphasizes the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point along the way. This model of public speaking serves as a foundation as the text guides the reader through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the importance and dynamics of diverse audiences, and narrowing the gap between the learning environment and the real world.
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See, for example, Angela Browne, “Violence against Women by Male Partners: Prevalence, Outcomes and Policy Implications,” American Psychologist 48 (1993): 107741087; Angela Browne and Kirk R. Williams, “Gender, Intimacy, ...
The Woman's Public Speaking Handbook addresses the challenges that are particular to women in the public speaking arena. The handbook arms women with research and examples to help them understand...
There are now torch pointers which project an illuminated arrow on to the screen . These are technically more interesting but I have never seen one used well . The arrow darts violently across the hall before homing in on ...
The comprehensive coverage of key public speaking topics and skills makesThe Concise Public Speaking Handbookan ideal option for anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills and delivery.
This model of public speaking is the foundation of the book, and it guides the reader through the step-by-step process of public speaking, focusing their attention on the dynamics of diverse audiences, and narrowing the gap between practice ...
In this book, Shailesh Patil explains the importance of being able to communicate and present effectively and tells readers how exactly to do so.
In virtually every case, a person's fear of public speaking is unjustified.If you are making your first speech or presentation or if you need to make your presentations or speeches, more engaging, more powerful, more structured, more ...
The Confident Speaker's Handbook: A Practical, Hands-On Approach to Public Speaking
This handbook integrates the principles of classical rhetoric with those of contemporary public speaking and provides examples of how to apply these principles to various speaking situations. ...