For today's busy student, we've created a new line of highly portable books at affordable prices. Each title in the Books a la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version - allowing students to take only what they need to class. As an added bonus, each Books a la Carte Plus edition is accompanied by an access code to all of the resources found in one of our best-selling multimedia products. Best of all? Our Books a la Carte Plus titles cost less than a used textbook! This comprehensive text integrates multiple dimensions of the human experience in a reader-friendly style and provides the interface between developmental theory and practice. "Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 1/e, "introduces and incorporates current research on the biological, psychological, socio-cultural, and spiritual dimensions of human behavior throughout the life-cycle. The authors provide an appropriate focus on contemporary perspectives that are central to the practice of social work, such as trauma, neurobiological underpinnings of behavior, chronic illness and disability. They pay particular attention to models of racial, ethnic, class, gender and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender identity development; to the influences of gender, sexual orientation, social class, race and culture on family structure and function, and to issues pertinent to a variety of "post-modern" family forms. The text explores macro influences of groups, communities and organizations in individual chapters. It also contains a chapter on social welfare policy that examines the impact of specific policies at each stage of the life-cycle and paves the way for new directions in research and future directions in policy and practice. "Any market interested in "a comprehensive text that integrates the multiple dimensions of the human experience in a reader-friendly style and provides the interface between developmental theory and practice.
This addition to Anissa Rogers' bestselling Human Behavior in the Social Environment expands the original text with new chapters on spirituality, families and groups, organizations, and communities.
It also takes into account the expected and unexpected stresses, challenges, and life tasks that can influence development within social environments."--BOOK JACKET.
BCR Reports, 13(20), 8–9. Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A reappraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41(6), 977–1002. Burns, R. (1968). To a louse. In J. Bartlett (Ed.), Familiar quotations (4th ed.) ...
A helpful instructor's manual accompanies this text, and is available as a free download from
This comprehensive text integrates multiple dimensions of the human experience in a reader-friendly style and provides the interface between developmental theory and practice. Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 1/e,...
Human Behavior Social Environment
The emphasis on sustainable and unsustainable social welfare programs is geared to helping readers engage in advocacy for social justice. * Integrates up-to-date research findings, models, and government statistics * Enhanced discussions of ...
In this book and companion custom website you will find: • A comprehensive overview of the issues related to human behavior and the social environment that are important to understand for practice, updated with current and relevant ...
Since the publication of the first edition of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, several generations of students have successfully used this classic text, which takes a social systems approach to human behavior.
Human Behavior in the Social Environment