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This text introduces the main features of American politics and asks “how should we govern?” and “what should government do?” Government in America helps students see that politics drives what government can–or cannot do–for the ...
Study Guide, the Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
This book provides a clear-headed and middle-way path to a better-functioning society in which personal responsibility is honored and inclusive capitalism and more broadly shared growth are once more the norm.
American Government 3e
Leib takes special pains to show how this new branch would be integrated with the already existing governmental and political institutions of our society, including administrative agencies and political parties, and would thus complement ...
State and Local Government in America
American Government 101 cuts out the boring explanations, and instead provides a hands-on lesson that keeps you engaged as you learn.
W. Bradley Wendel, seeks a sounder theoretical basis for criticizing excessive politics in government lawyering. See Wendel, Government Lawyers in the Liberal State, note 214 above. This endeavor is important to informed commentary on ...