David Rothman and Jilani Warsi's goals with Read to Achieve are to spur developmental readers to become active readers and engage them in academic reading by fostering intellectual inquiry through an exploration of contemporary themes related to popular academic disciplines.
William J. Bennett SHOULD DRUGS BE LEGALIZED ? ( 1990 ) When he was " Drug Czar " William Bennett was one of the most outspoken and well - known advocates of the war on drugs . In many ways Bennett is an effective writer ; however ...
From Principles of Marketing , Fourth Edition by Thomas C. Kinnear , et . al . Copyright © 1995 by HarperCollins Publishers . Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins College Publishers . From Government in America : People , Politics ...
Strategies in Reading
The Age of Augustus " Augustus also tried to restore the values that had made the Romans a great people — patriotism , close family ties , hard work , discipline , and simple living . He passed laws encouraging people to marry and raise ...
Ford Motor Company today is the prototype of what major American companies will be like by the year 2001. Ford will produce 40 percent of its cars in the Far East , 40 percent in the United States and 20 percent in Europe .
The eagle flies down from the high mountain top with a speed comparable to that of a thunderbolt . Flying this way , the eagle would appear as a flash of white across the sky , like a thunderbolt . Also , like a thunderbolt , the eagle ...
While the guests were gathering in the living room , Lee's wife went into the kitchen and was horrified to see that the cat was up on the table nibbling on the fish . “ She grabbed the cat and threw him out the back door .
The text focuses on reading and learning as a cognitive process, encouraging students to approach reading as an active mental process of selecting, processing, and organizing information to be learned.
"Arguing that literacy instruction is the work of all teachers, K-12 and beyond, this collection offers replicable strategies to help educators think about how and when students learn the skills of reading, synthesizing information, and ...
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Reading, search for: 0134308530 / 9780134308531 Making Reading Relevant: The Art of Connecting Plus MyLab Reading with eText -- Access Card Package, 4/e Package consists of: ...