Using skill building exercises framed around rhetorical and communication theory, Public Relations Writing: A Rhetorical Approachprepares students to be critical and thoughtful producers of organizational and public messages in a rapidly transforming field. The practice of public relations has become increasingly complex. Students need more than "technical skills" to succeed; they need critical thinking, rhetorical and communication skills to adapt to sophisticated technological and diverse environments. This text shows students that successful communication through any platform, from blogs to brochures, requires compelling prose and the ability to use language effectively. Incorporating chapters that focus both on ideas and communication principles, as well as practical knowledge of an assortment of writing contexts, Public Relations Writing: A Rhetorical Approachprepares students for the dynamic field of public relations.
Public Relations Worktext is a writing and planning resource for public relations students and practitioners.
With real-world examples of award-winning work by PR professionals, this new edition continues to help readers master the many techniques needed to reach a variety of audiences in today's digital age.
A writing and planning resource that is suitable for public relations students and practitioners
Public Relations Writing and Media Techniquesis the most comprehensive and up-to-date PR writing text available, with real-world examples of outstanding work by public relations professionals. The text thoroughly integrates new...
I hope that you'll consider including Korn/Ferry International and our innovative assessment tool, Search Assessment, in your coverage. Studies have shown that the main reason people are unsuccessful on the job is due to a lack of ...
This concise book offers busy readers concrete strategies to improve their workplace writing.
This is a comprehensive guide to the writing process for public relations practice.
Aimed at students of public relations, this second edition provides practical writing instruction for those preparing to enter the public relations profession.
The Second Edition focuses on identifying and writing public relations messages and examines how public relations messages differ from other messages.
From pitches and press releases to news and feature stories to social media writing and more, this new book by author Whitney Lehmann and a handful of experienced contributors breaks down the most widely used types of public relations ...