This text focuses on the significance of race, class, and gender; uses personal narratives to convey how problems are experienced by individuals and groups; and applies sociological perspectives throughout to examine social issues. In the fifth edition of Social Problems in a Diverse Society, author Diana Kendall continues to focus on the significance of race, class, and gender as key factors in our understanding of social problems in the United Stated and around the globe. Throughout the text, all people - but particularly people of color and white women - are shown not merely as "victims" of social problems, but as individuals who resist discrimination and inequality and seek to bring about changes in families, schools, workplaces, and the larger society. The author, who specializes in social theory, uses the three main sociological perspectives throughout the text, along with contemporary feminist and humanist perspectives. Authentic, first person accounts - "real words from real people" create interest and show how the problems being discussed affect people as they go about their daily lives. This new edition has numerous new references, many new boxed features, and substantial updating throughout.
Four major themes guide this edition of the text: an empirical methodology; linking individual experience with social structure; recognizing that social inequality contributes to social problems; and a comparative approach.
Sociology: Study Guide and Experiments in Sociology: Five Computer Simulations
Renée Anspach . “ Notes on the Sociology of Medical Discourse : The Language of Case Presentation , ” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 29 , no . 4 ( 1988 ) , p . 373 . 3. David J. Rothman . Strangers at the Bedside : A History of ...
This new text from a respected author team hones in on understanding the structure and culture of society as a basis for understanding social problems. Its integrative theoretical approach uses...
Social Problems
Social Problems on the Net 2002
ROBERT MCNAMARA Former Secretary of Defense Impose Government Regulations and Policies Some countries have imposed strict governmental regulations on reproduction . In the 1970s , India established mass sterilization camps and made the ...
Revised edition of Social problems, [2017]
Social Problems: Issues, Opinions, and Solutions