For today's busy student, we've created a new line of highly portable books at affordable prices. Each title in the Books à la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version – allowing students to take only what they need to class. As an added bonus, each Books à la Carte Plus edition is accompanied by an access code to all of the resources found in one of our best-selling multimedia products. Best of all? Our Books à la Carte Plus titles cost less than a used textbook! Framing its content within a resonant “politics matters” theme and emphasizing public policy throughout, this accessible text illustrates the impact that government has on the daily lives of each and every American. Through engaging and interactive boxed features and a focus on the issues that matter to most, this practical text motivates readers to become active participants in our political system, and helps overcome public apathy toward government.
Government in America
Includes bibliographies and index.
Government in America
State and Local Government in America
Government in America
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy, Books a la Carte Plus MyPoliSciLab
Points of View: Readings in American Government and Politics
Government in America
See also environment, the Clinton, Bill, 77, 98, 129 Clinton, George (Cato?), 36–37 Cole, James, 162 compound republic: Derthick's (and Madison's) argument for, 175–76; genius and durability of, 187; Hamiltonian strong national ...
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America