Laura E. Berk. My decision to write Development Through the Lifespan was inspired by a wealth of professional and personal experiences. First and foremost were the interests and concerns of hundreds of students of human development with ...
This book provides introductory coverage of growth and development throughout the lifespan.
Development Through the Lifespan
Check with the seller before completing your purchase. Discovering the Lifespan provides a broad overview of the field of human development and features a strong balance of research and application.
Growth and Development Through the Lifespan
This new edition continues to offer students research-based practical applications that they can relate to their personal and professional lives.
This book is the only text on human growth and development that emphasizes the key implications and applications for counselors, providing useful information and the insights of real experts in each subject area.
The Second Edition includes all the new key learning features such a Closer Look, Warnings, Questions to Ask, key terms, and an updated glossary and references.
About one half of employed adolescents work 15 or fewer hours per week (Bachman et al., 2014). Working few hours (15 or less) appears to have little positive or negative effect on adolescents' academic or psychosocial functioning ...
Boston, MA: Pearson. ... Retrieved from Campbell, ... Reisetter, M., Korcuska, J. S., Yexley, M., Bonds, D., Nikels, H., & McHenry, W. (2004).