For undergraduate-level courses in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Business Psychology, Personnel Psychology and Applied Psychology. Psychology and Work Today provides an invaluable foundation for anyone entering today's global business and industrial world. This informative, sophisticated, and entertaining text teaches students about the nature of work in modern society. By focusing on the practical and applied rather than the scientific ideal, the authors demonstrate how industrial-organizational psychology directly impacts our lives as job applicants, trainees, employees, managers, and consumers.
Psicología de las organizaciones: problemas contemporáneos
Psicología de las organizaciones: problemas contemporáneos
In this volume, editors Freedman and Bradt present 18 of Levinson's landmark contributions that explore how and why consultants diagnose organizational and managerial pathology.
Psychology at Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
译自:Managerial psychology/Harold J. Leavitt. -- 4版. -- 芝加哥大学出版社, 1979
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