Now in its Fifth Edition, this text represents the most respected, current, and leading Aural Rehabilitation (AR) text in the field This highly regarded text has been substantially updated and revised, making it more user-friendly for both students and instructors. It is especially current in areas dealing with hearing aids, cochlear implants, and current approaches to providing relevant AR. The text begins with eight chapters introducing the fundamentals-amplification, including cochlear implants, auditory and visual stimuli, speech and language, and educational and psychosocial issues. Two comprehensive methods and procedures chapters follow, focusing on children, adults, and elderly adults. Finally, the well-documented and amply illustrated text concludes with two case study chapters. The Fifth Edition includes substantial new content related to hearing aids, cochlear implants, and relevant forms of AR. Information on vestibular and tinnitus assessment and management has been greatly expanded. Additional case studies throughout the text help emphasize key points and allow students applicable practice of the concepts learned in a hands-on manner.Recommended websites and readings at the end of each chapter guide students to an abundance of relevant, supplemental AR material. Two complete case study chapters (adult and children) with added case examples.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and the Enhanced Pearson eText search for: 0134694902 / 9780134694900 Introduction to Audiology, with Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134694988 / ...
Reflecting the rigorous and carefully validated nature of the exams, these guides provide beginning teachers the information needed to succeed.
This student-friendly text that explores the connection between common communication science research methods and clinical practice.
Perkins ) . 2. The stuttering block is the involuntary outcome of other learned approach - avoidance drives and not itself a learned behavior [ Sheehan , Perkins ) . Conditioned disintegration theory states that stuttering is the ...
The Ototoxic Effect of Toluene and the Influence of Noise, Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Or Genotype: A Study in Rats and...
The text offers creative coverage of theory, clinical practice, and research-based approaches for identifying, diagnosing, and treating hearing and communication-based disorders.
Ideal for practitioners in speech-language pathology, nursing, or other health care professions, this new book provides a review of the audiology profession, the basics of sound, coverage of normal hearing function, and the causes and ...
And up-to-date introduction to the profession of audiology, written to stimulate the student's interest and excitement in audiology or speech-language pathology as a career choice.
With its primary focus on reading, understanding, and evaluating professional literature, and its emphasis on the different research designs and types of publications that can inform all components of evidence-based practice, this text ...
This forward-thinking book reflects the movement toward evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology and audiology"--