For today's busy student, we've created a new line of highly portable books at affordable prices. Each title in the Books à la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version – allowing students to take only what they need to class. As an added bonus, each Books à la Carte Plus edition is accompanied by an access code to all of the resources found in one of our best-selling multimedia products. Best of all? Our Books à la Carte Plus titles cost less than a used textbook! With a focus on competition for resources, t his balanced, but provocative text uses Harold Laswell's classic definition of politics—“Who gets what, when, and how”—as a framework for presenting a clear, cohesive and stimulating introduction to the American political system. Thomas Dye, along with new co-author Bartholomew Sparrow, has written a lively and absorbing narrative examining the struggle for power that is American politics: the participants, the stakes, the processes, and the institutions. Numerous feature boxes explore timely issues, draw cross-cultural comparisons, promote critical thinking, and provoke thoughtful opinions. The Texas Edition of this classic text includes the same coverage as the comprehensive version, but includes 7 additional chapters on Texas politics. Politics in America's theme of constant competition for power and resources - "who gets what" - has never been more relevant because of the intense political conflict of the most expensive presidential campaign in American history. Furthermore, the hotly-contested primary campaigns that led to the national conventions in 2008 make this a highly engaging topic.
Each title in the Books a la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version - allowing students to take only what they need to class.
Each title in the Books a la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version - allowing students to take only what they need to class.
Politics in America, Texas Edition, + Mypoliscilab Books a la Carte
The Texas Edition of this classic text includes the same coverage as the comprehensive version, but includes 7 additional chapters on Texas politics.
Each title in the Books à la Carte Plus program features the exact same content from our traditional textbook in a convenient notebook-ready, loose-leaf version – allowing students to take only what they need to class.
Everything about this dynamic book-from its engaging writing and examples, to its bold graphics and photos, to its innovative learning pedagogy and interactive assessment-is designed to get students to participate: in their learning, in the ...
Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers will be able to: Understand the economic, demographic, political, and social changes contributing to contemporary Texas politics Use theory and scholarly research to understand politics ...
Through engaging and interactive boxed features and a focus on the issues that matter to most, this practical text motivates readers to become active participants in our political system, and helps overcome public apathy toward government.
This bestselling book has been extensively revised to provide in-depth coverage of the 2008 presidential and congressional elections, President George W. Bush's second administration and the 110th Congress, continued controversies related ...
This bestselling book has been extensively revised to provide in-depth coverage of the 2008 presidential and congressional elections, President George W. Bush's second administration and the 110th Congress, continued controversies related ...