For undergraduate courses in Lifespan Development and Human Development
An interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on culture and family
Using an interdisciplinary approach which emphasizes culture and family, Understanding Human Development challenges students to understand development from a broader perspective. Students draw on their own experiences as they weigh the research and ideas presented in the text.
Looking for additional resources to help you understand the material and succeed in this course? MyDevelopmentLab contains study tools such as flashcards, self tests, videos, as well as MyVirtualChild which allows you to raise your own virtual child from birth through age 18 and monitor the results.
Want to view an interview with co-author, Wendy Dunn? Click here:
Want to learn more about MyVirtualChild? Visit and click on the 'watch this video' link to learn about MyVirtualChild.
MyDevelpmentLab with MyVirtualChild is available at
Rev. ed. of: Understanding human development / Grace J. Craig, Wendy L. Dunn. c2010.
The 4th Edition has been thoroughly revised to include the latest research, as well as topics of contemporary interest -- such as changing notions of family, the effects of media on children, and recent LGBT issues -- that will draw ...
This book provides a comprehensive view of the primary theoretical models of human development including those from the biological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive developmental perspectives.
New to this edition: heavily revised content reflects recent developments in social work and human development, new three-part structure allows for easy navigation of the text, a unique section devoted to trauma and loss, renewed Practice ...
Previous edition entered under: Grace J. Craig.
... Leon Kamin, Bernard Kaplan, PhilipKendall, Maureen Kenny, Sam J.Korn, KurtKreppner, Michael Lamb,David Layzer, Jacqueline V. Lerner, MichaelLewis,Richard C. Lewontin,Lynn S.Liben, Ulman Lindenberger, Lewis P.Lipsitt,Rick R.Little, ...
Barbara Rogoff argues, however, that human development must be understood as a cultural process, not simply a biological or psychological one.
Education for Human Development: Understanding Montessori
As a result, all social work students need to understand human growth and development throughout the lifespan. This introductory text provides a knowledge base about human development from conception to death.
Can significant advances in development occur after adolescence? What are the highest possible states or stages of human development and how can they be realized? These and related critical issues...