With its strengths and empowerment approach, Social Work: An Empowering Profession, 7/e explores contemporary themes such as diversity and social justice and ntegrates the Council on Social Work Education's core competencies throughout. Each chapter reflects and integrates the core competencies in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). End-of-chapter assessment reinforces this integration, and MySocialWorkLab.com activities support the mastery of CSWE's core competencies.
Hospital Social Work introduces the reader to the world of medicine and social work as seen through the eyes of actual social workers.
Webster's dictionary defines disaster as “a sudden calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, or destruction.” According to the National Association of Social Workers, social workers are “uniquely suited to interpret the disaster ...
This text provides graduate students going into the social work field with real world and practical information about what it is really like to work as a social worker.
Featuring an evidence- and strengths-based approach to practice methods, this new text teaches students how to apply social work skills in a variety of settings.
The End of Social Work: A Defense of the Social Worker in Times of Transformation explores the deeply flawed status quo of the social work profession.
Abbot, Edith and Grace, 8283 Abell, Neil, 194 Abramson, Alan, 187 Adams, Robert, 198 Addams,Jane, 20,21, 8084, 179, 188 Ad Hoc Committee on Advocacy, 186 Alexander, Franz, 94 Alinsky,Saul,167 Altgeld,Governor John Peter, ...
The first text to explore the history, characteristics, and challenges of hospice social work, this volume weaves leading research into an underlying framework for practice and care.
Reading this book will not only give readers the tools to work effectively with individuals and families, but also develop their skills in evidence informed practice.
An empowerment-based method of social work which integrates core themes of the profession. This text is part of the Connecting Core Competencies Series.
Retrieved from https://www.aclu.org/map/state-criminal-re-enfranchisement-laws-map Austin, M. J., Coombs, M., & Barr, B. (2005). Community-centered clinical practice: Is the ... Retrieved from Fivethirtyeight.com Fessler, P. (2017).