Previous editions published in : 1988 (1st), 1991 (2nd), 1994 (3rd), 1997 (4th), 2000 (5th), 2004 (6th), and 2008 (7th).
Tim Weiner, “'Smart' Weapons Were Overrated, Study Concludes,” NYT, July 9, 1996, AI (national edition); Seymour M. Hersh, ... Lewis J. Paper, Empire: William S. Paley and the Making of CBS (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987), 158–59; ...
La libertad de la televisión: el modelo alemán
... winner awarded a trophy or a silver cup . merican culture and mode of living has influenced the country No more than the ordinary for a considerable length of time talk had boon done . yet no attempt has been marta Clockwise : 1.
Press Poisoners in Ireland
A biography of a newspaper printer of colonial days whose insistence on freedom of speech in America, brought to a climax during a trial for libel, clearly defined the meaning of freedom to write and speak the truth.
本书以生动的案例,通俗的语言,对我国当前的新闻法律热点问题加以剖析和透视,分别论述了以下几方面的内容 ...
The Newspaper and Authority
The eleventh edition of this classic textbook provides an overview of communication and media law that includes the most current legal developments.
In this work, Robert Martin demonstrates that the history of the "free and open press" is in many ways the story of the emergence and first real expansions of the early American public sphere and civil society itself."--BOOK JACKET.