This engaging text examines U.S. history as revealed through the experiences of all Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary. With a thought-provoking and rich presentation, the authors explore the complex lives of Americans of all national origins and cultural backgrounds, at all levels of society, and in all regions of the country. A vibrant four-color design and compact size make this book accessible, convenient, and easy-to read.
The American People provides a rich, detailed examination of the trends that shape our lives and paints a comprehensive portrait of the country we live in today. A Volume in the Russell Sage Foundation Census Series
In this magisterial novel's sweeping first volume, which runs up to the 1950s, we meet prehistoric monkeys who spread a peculiar virus, a Native American shaman whose sexual explorations mutate into occult visions, and early English ...
On March 24, 1644 parliament, at his request, transformed the four towns into a lawful colony by charter, endorsing an Instrument of Government which Williams had drawn up. He took the opportunity, London being for the time being an ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
A condensed version of "The American People, Fifth Edition," this engaging text examines U.S. history as revealed through the experiences of all Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary.
A condensed version of The American People, Fifth Edition, this engaging text examines American history as revealed through the experiences of all Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary.
For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. Battlefield America: The War on the American People is constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead’s terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself.
The American People, Brief Third Edition, makes its first appearance as a four-color book in the American History market.
The author, the former special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee from 2019 to 2020, shares his perspectives and insights into the legal actions against President Donald J. Trump.
Examines U.S. history as revealed through the experiences of diverse Americans, both ordinary and extraordinary.