Complete, up-to-date coverage of social welfare programs and policies with special coverage of how history, politics, and the economy shape these programs This text puts the field of human services into a historical context, provides insights into the social welfare field, and gives concrete examples of how primary intervention strategies are put into daily practice in human service agencies. It presents the many options offered in the field of human services and discusses the stresses that a human service worker will face in day-to-day work, with practical suggestions for avoiding burnout. The text compares the U.S. social welfare systems to systems in other countries, and uses a strong multicultural and social systems approach that distinguishes it from other texts. Teaching & Learning Experience Engage Students - Outstanding pedagogy, including examples, cases, anecdotes, and interviews, keeps students interested. Explore Current Issues - Contemporary issues are incorporated throughout the text to provide students with the most up-to-date coverage; topics include: cyberbullying, immigration, and health care reform. Support Instructors - An Instructor's Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), and PowerPoint presentations, and BlackBoard and WebCT Test Item File provide instructors with additional support.
With its step-by-step approach to implementing planned change, emphasis on skill-building, integration of social work values and ethics, and compliance with new accreditation standards, UNDERSTANDING GENERALIST PRACTICE, International ...
Understanding Generalist Practice
Wayne State University School of Social Work: Social Work Practice : Methods I & II
Organized around the authors' coherent and cohesive Generalist Intervention Model, this introductory guide to generalist social work practice provides users with the knowledge and skills they will need to work with individuals and families, ...
This widely popular text provides a firm foundation for understanding empowerment-based generalist social work, including the practice processes related to constructing and maintaining empowering client-worker relationships through ...
Hepworth, Dean H. "Managing Manipulative Behavior in the Helping Relationship." Social Work 38 (1993): 674-82. , and Jo Ann Larsen. Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills. 4th ed. Chicago: Dorsey Press, 1993. Hewitt ...
"Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook and Interactive Multimedia Case Studies, Fourth Edition, provides social work students with the social work practice knowledge and skills required for engaging in a ...
This book addresses the concept of Technique and its place in contemporary practice of Social Work.
2 Charles E. Hendry , “ Community Development , ” Meyer Schwartz , “ Community Organization , ” and Jack Stumpf , “ Community Planning and Development , ” in Encyclopedia of Social Work , ed . Harry L. Lurie ( New York : National ...
Based on field research, the cases portray the actual experiences of real social workers.