While searching for winter quarters, a group of gypsies celebrates the birth of a new chief and discovers why a former chief disappeared.
"This research study was commissioned by the Department of the Environment in 1989 with the following terms of Reference: 1.
If he had lived , would Michael have become as wild as Byron or Shelley ? She tried to conjure up his image but could not . All she could remember was that he had been of a fair complexion and with blond hair .
In France in 1914, young Indiana Jones and his father's assistant Thornton pursue a rare manuscript that may reveal secrets of history involving a medieval king, mysterious gypsies, and a legendary treasure.
The poems inspired the composer Leos Janacek to write the song cycle The Dr'ary of One Who Disappeared. KALDERASH. (1) Name of a clan derived from the Romanian word caldemr(coppcrsrt1ith). Many emigrated from Romania after the end of ...
Lila Kai Penena Sar Barovena E Tikne Roma: Materials for the Study of the Education of Travelling Children
This is a timely collection of Ian Hancock's selected writings.
Out in the Open: Providing accommodation, promoting understanding and recognising rights of Gypsies and Travellers
The Bartered Bride
Traveller Children and Educational Disadvantage in Ireland
Ilona Lakova's darked skinned illiterate Gypsy father fell in love with her pale skinned Polish mother whilst a prisoner in Russia during the First World War.