God's Word for Children
Prayer for the Solemnity of Christ the King Loving God, grant us the willingness to follow your Son's example of ... Permission to publish granted by the Very Reverend John F. Canary, icar General, Archdiocese of hicago on May 13, 2010.
Sing “The Lord is Kind and Merciful” (Booth), or “We Will Bring Your Peace” (Halloran/Millward), or have instrumental music playing as the children gather in the space for the Liturgy of the Word. Place the Lectionary on the prayer ...
Living in Gods kingdom means that we forgive each other when we've been hurt, we share what we have, we serve the poor and lost, and we sacrifice for what is right (Documento Concluslvo de Apareclda, 383). As we mature, we grow more and ...
This essential guide offers valuable insight into how leaders of children's Liturgy of the Word can best meet the developmental needs of children.
The Complete Children's Liturgy Book: A Comprehensive Programme for Every Sunday of the Lectionary
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 15, 2013 Prayer During Fall Lord God, you have created all living things. We praise you and thank you for the life-giving water of rain and light of the sun. We praise you and thank you ...
We are proud to present you with the 2010—2011 edition of Celebrating the Lectionary, the catechist's go-to resource for faith ... making it easy for catechists to supplement your primary curriculum with Lectionarybased material.
We are proud to present you with the 2010—2011 edition of Celebrating the Lectionary, the catechist's go-to resource for faith ... making it easy for catechists to supplement your primary curriculum with Lectionarybased material.
Celebrating with Children. Volume I: Resources