Managing Archives and Archival Institutions: A Handbook of Theories and Practices
Purcell, A. D. (2016) Digital Library Programs for Libraries and Archives: developing, managing, and sustaining unique digital collections, ALA Neal-Schuman. *Sitts, M. K. (ed.) (2000) Handbook for Digital Projects: a management tool ...
This volume is intended to aid both those organizations considering the establishment of an institutional archives and those practicing archivists needing materials to assist them in evaluating their programs and...
The text includes a range of optional activities that enable the reader to translate principles into practice and feel greater ‘ownership’ with the guidance.
In today's information world, the importance and need for archival collections and professionals to care for them cannot be understated. Noted professor and author Richard J. Cox provides an insightful...
This book is an introduction to the concepts, policies, infrastructure and tasks needed to collect, preserve and make archival collections available to researchers.
This book will help professionals build stronger archival programs by making effective use of people, technology, and resources while working within organizational requirements and constraints.
L. McDonald has carried out the basic analytical work but has not yet published a scheme.20 It is clear that the general outline will follow an analysis of the company«s structure and functions, in the usual way (see Figure 5.5).
Judith Ellis (Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Australian Society of Archivists, 1993), 289–90. 2. Mary Jo Pugh, Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts (Chicago: Society of American Archivists. 1992), 44–45. 3.
Read this book to see expert management strategies at work and to understand the ''why'' and ''how'' of excellent programs.