Stories abound about the lengths to which middle- and upper-middle-class parents will go to ensure a spot for their child at a prestigious university. From the Suzuki method to calculus-based physics, from AP tests all the way back to early-learning Kumon courses, students are increasingly pushed to excel with that Harvard or Yale acceptance letter held tantalizingly in front of them. And nowhere is this drive more apparent than in our elite secondary schools. In Class Warfare, Lois Weis, Kristin Cipollone, and Heather Jenkins go inside the ivy-yearning halls of three such schools to offer a day-to-day, week-by-week look at this remarkable drive toward college admissions and one of its most salient purposes: to determine class. Drawing on deep and sustained contact with students, parents, teachers, and administrators at three iconic secondary schools in the United States, the authors unveil a formidable process of class positioning at the heart of the college admissions process. They detail the ways students and parents exploit every opportunity and employ every bit of cultural, social, and economic capital they can in order to gain admission into a “Most Competitive” or “Highly Competitive Plus” university. Moreover, they show how admissions into these schools—with their attendant rankings—are used to lock in or improve class standing for the next generation. It’s a story of class warfare within a given class, the substrata of which—whether economically, racially, or socially determined—are fiercely negotiated through the college admissions process. In a historic moment marked by deep economic uncertainty, anxieties over socioeconomic standing are at their highest. Class, as this book shows, must be won, and the collateral damage of this aggressive pursuit may just be education itself, flattened into a mere victory banner.
Chapter 4 65 Frames of Mind: Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (New York: Basic Books, ... 66 seven “kinds of smart”: The phrase “Seven Kinds of Smart” is taken from Thomas Armstrong, 7 Kinds of Smart: ...
... fears of , 122 ; future of public education , 245-46 ; parent councils , 229-35 ; view of schools , 9 ; voucher schools , 191-92 Pepsi - Cola Canada , 80 , 162-63 Perspectives on Education in America , 54 Philip Morris , 62 Philips ...
In this third book in a series of interview collections, Noam Chomsky begins with comments about the right-wing agenda that have turned out to be prescient. Corporations with their political...
Class conflict, also referred to as class struggle and class warfare, is the political tension and economic antagonism that exists in society consequent to socio-economic competition among the social classes or between rich and poor ...
Class Warfare: Selected Fiction
As such, it will take a class struggle to solve. In this ground breaking class analysis, Matthew T. Huber argues that the carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted for producing climate change.
The History of Class Warfare: Exploiting the Middle Class traces the role of America's elitist class from the birth of the United States to the present.
This book will become a definitive reference point for future discussion.
Class Warfare - America's Cancer A Rapacious Capitalistic Monarchy is winning the war.
... Jean-Claude, 54 juristocracy, 62; see courts Justice Department, 126 Kakaes, Konstantin, 57 Kaufmann, Eric, 23 Kazin, Michael, 97 Keynes, John Maynard, 128 Kirkegaard, Jacob Funk, x Kitto, H. D. F., 139–40 Klosstad, Casey Andrew, ...