In a remarkably short period of time, the realization of religious freedom has achieved broad consensus as an indispensable condition for peace. Faced with widespread reports of religious persecution, public and private actors around the world have responded with laws and policies designed to promote freedom of religion. But what precisely is being promoted? What are the cultural and epistemological assumptions underlying this response, and what forms of politics are enabled in the process? The fruits of the three-year Politics of Religious Freedom research project, the contributions to this volume unsettle the assumption—ubiquitous in policy circles—that religious freedom is a singular achievement, an easily understood state of affairs, and that the problem lies in its incomplete accomplishment. Taking a global perspective, the more than two dozen contributors delineate the different conceptions of religious freedom predominant in the world today, as well as their histories and social and political contexts. Together, the contributions make clear that the reasons for persecution are more varied and complex than is widely acknowledged, and that the indiscriminate promotion of a single legal and cultural tool meant to address conflict across a wide variety of cultures can have the perverse effect of exacerbating the problems that plague the communities cited as falling short.
Beyond Religious Freedom persuasively argues that these initiatives create the very social tensions and divisions they are meant to overcome.
I learned an enormous amount from this fascinating book."--Christian Reus-Smit, author of Individual Rights and the Making of the International System "This is a compelling, stimulating, and original book.
Abortion, Religious Freedom, and Catholic Politics is a study of opposing American Catholic approaches to abortion, especially in terms of laws and government policies. After the ruling of Roe vs.
The volume argues that religious freedom is produced within competing visions of governance in a self-governing nation.
Based on ethnographic research conducted in Istanbul and Ankara, Muslim Civil Society and the Politics of Religious Freedom in Turkey is Jeremy F. Walton's inquiry into the political and religious practices of contemporary Turkish-Muslim ...
Religious freedom is so often presented as a timeless American ideal and an inalienable right, appearing fully formed at the founding of the United States.
Hardt, Michael and Antoni Negri. Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000. ———. ... Hoover, Dennis and Thomas Farr, eds. “Religious Freedom and U.S. Foreign Policy.” Special issue, Review of Faith and International Affairs ...
What is secularism?
This book provides a critical history of the distinctive tradition of Indian secularism known as Tolerance.
A14; and Cornelia Dean, “Evolution Takes a Back Seat in U.S. Classes,” ibid., Feb. 1, 2005, p. F1. 4. ... In 1992 “the [National Council of Churches] argued in Lee v. Weisman that prayers at graduation should be disallowed.