With England’s Great Transformation, Marc W. Steinberg throws a wrench into our understanding of the English Industrial Revolution, largely revising the thesis at heart of Karl Polanyi’s landmark The Great Transformation. The conventional wisdom has been that in the nineteenth century, England quickly moved toward a modern labor market where workers were free to shift from employer to employer in response to market signals. Expanding on recent historical research, Steinberg finds to the contrary that labor contracts, centered on insidious master-servant laws, allowed employers and legal institutions to work in tandem to keep employees in line. Building his argument on three case studies—the Hanley pottery industry, Hull fisheries, and Redditch needlemakers—Steinberg employs both local and national analyses to emphasize the ways in which these master-servant laws allowed employers to use the criminal prosecutions of workers to maintain control of their labor force. Steinberg provides a fresh perspective on the dynamics of labor control and class power, integrating the complex pathways of Marxism, historical institutionalism, and feminism, and giving readers a subtle yet revelatory new understanding of workplace control and power during England’s Industrial Revolution.
In this classic work of economic history and social theory, Karl Polanyi analyzes the economic and social changes brought about by the "great transformation" of the Industrial Revolution.
In this classic work of economic history and social theory, Karl Polanyi analyzes the economic and social changes brought about by the "great transformation" of the Industrial Revolution. His analysis...
9 A.E. Musson and E. Robinson (1960) 'Science and industry in the late eighteenth century', Economic History Review, XIII, p.222–4; (1969) Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution, Manchester. For a persuasive case history ...
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book.
A detailed survey which examines the major developments in English society during this period of social crises, population decline, agarian unrest, the introduction to enclosures - and political tensions particularly over succession.
Written specifically for students, this text is the first available survey of English agriculture between l500 and l850.
Lauren Benton and Lisa Ford find the origins of international law in empires, especially in the British Empire’s sprawling efforts to refashion the imperial constitution and reorder the world.
Die Vervollkommnug der Landarbeit und die Bessere Ausbildung der Landarbeiter unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung des Taylor-Systems [The Improvement of ... Shearer, David R. 1996. Industry, State, and Society in Stalin's Russia, ...
Harold Nicholson observed in his diary on August 8 , 1936 , that the conflict emphasized " the division of Europe between left and right ” ( Nicholson 1966 : 270 ) . From his study of British opinion toward the Spanish Civil War , K. W. ...
This book will be essential reading for second year undergraduates and above in sociology, politics, philosophy, and cultural studies.