McCann explains how wage discrimination battles have raised public legal consciousness and helped reform activists mobilize working women in the pay equity movement over the past two decades. Rights at Work explores the political strategies in more than a dozen pay equity struggles since the late 1970s, including battles of state employees in Washington and Connecticut, as well as city employees in San Jose and Los Angeles. Relying on interviews with over 140 union and feminist activists, McCann shows that, even when the courts failed to correct wage discrimination, litigation and other forms of legal advocacy provided reformers with the legal discourse--the understanding of legal rights and their constraints--for defining and advancing their cause.
Ideal for anyone new to the job market or new to management, or anyone hoping to improve their work experience.”—Library Journal (starred review) “I am a huge fan of Alison Green’s Ask a Manager column. This book is even better.
This book culminates in the proposal and elaboration upon an innovative solution, the Bill of Rights for Workers, that would draw on the successes of human rights and labour law instruments to render the Convention rights directly ...
This book raises important ethical questions about the differential treatment of temporary and unauthorised migrant workers, and permanent residents, and where the line should be drawn between exploitation and legitimate employment.
Your Rights in the Workplace - The Things Your Boss Won't Tell You
Or are you an employer seeking information on your responsibilities? Written by employment experts at the Trade Unions Congress (TUC), this book sets out Your Rights at Work in simple and relatable terms.
In 1990, Kristin Baker became the first female First Captain, the cadet brigade commander at West Point. The appointment When Kristin Baker became West Point's first female First Captain,. 84 WOMEN'S RIGHTS AT WORK.
California Law Review 94(4):997–1062. Kritzer, Herbert M. 1990. The Justice Broker: Lawyers and Ordinary Litigation. New York: Oxford University Press. ———. 1993. “Lawyer's Fees and the Holy Grail: Where Should Clients Search for Value.
This collection of essays examines whether this is an appropriate or effective strategy. The book begins by considering the translation of human rights discourse into labour standards, namely how theory might be put into practice.
This volume examines established and emerging trends in workplace discrimination and provides a global picture of the struggle to overcome the problem.
Written in clear English, this easy-to-follow handbook sets out everyone's rights at work whether in an office, shop, factory or other setting.