A collection of stories based upon the author's experiences in an Eskimo village of the Tareogmiut, or "people of the sea."
Bright Dawn must face the challenge of the Iditarod dog sled race alone when her father is injured.
Book to accompany an exhibition of Bering Sea Eskimo art collected by Edward William Nelson and now housed in the Dept. of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
White. Crackers. for. Lost. Love. When. the next summer passed and George Daniels had not returned, Nedercook and her mother moved back to their inne at the village of Rocky Point. She continued to sew, hunt, and learned to shoot ...
The head chef of the Diller Hotel was a man named Malcolm McDonald. Malcolm had left his seaport home in Dundee, Scotland, twelve years ago. Not finding the east coast of America to his liking, he had travelled by railroad to Seattle in ...
An in-depth visual survey of Native American life is divided into nine cultural areas and discusses their traditions, political and spiritual leaders, and the impact of European settlement on native societies.
US anthropology's foremost 19th century ethnographic expedition studying the origin of the American Indians serves as a focal point for debatable interpretations of such images as cultural
Photographs of Alaskan Eskimos with commentary discussing the changes in their traditional lifestyles.
Nets made with the 60 mm gauges may have been used for gill - netting whitefish or inconnu . Net Float : Of 36 net floats found ... pebble from M - 5 ( Pl . 22k ) is notched in the middle of both sides . Notched stone sinkers are found ...
Describes how polar bears live, efforts to save them from extinction, and their role in the Inuit way of life.
Pueblos cazadores del Artico