Education affects these two dimensions in distinct ways, influencing democratic enlightenment through cognitive proficiency and sophistication, and political engagement through position in social networks. For characteristics of enlightenment, formal education simply adds to the degree to which citizens support and are knowledgeable about democratic principles.
A sound & ideologically balanced analysis of civic education & its malaise in present-day America. "A much needed contribution to the growing literature on this important question"--David Mathews.
This guide examines how schools and universities can work together with their local communities to promote democracy in society based on the principles of Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC), a...
The distinguishing characteristics, content and processes, and the variations of essential elements that are exemplified by projects in the United States and abroad in education for democratic citizenship are presented in this book.
This volume explores conceptual, theoretical and policy implications for post-secondary education engaging with these topics, comparing the USA, Canada, Eastern Europe and Western Europe.
" This book illustrates how six post-industrial nations -- Canada, Germany, Israel, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States -- have met or failed to meet this challenge.
Lack of civic knowledge, ignorance about the U.S. Constitution, and general ambivalence about education threaten the fiber of this nation.
This book explores the diversity of American roles in such cross-cultural engagement in education for democracy, both within the United States and around the world.
All modules are international and inquiry oriented, and make links with society.00In this book the leading scholars write the theoretical background of their module, their curriculum guidelines and goals, the concrete programmes, and the ...
This book examines the issues of theorizing citizenship education research in non-Western societies that have embarked on democratic development after the fall of authoritarianism and colonialism.
In this book, university teachers provide case studies illustrating methods employed to prepare citizens for meaningful participation in democracies, whether long-standing, young or emerging.