"By reconstructing the alchemical ideas, practices, and disputes of the late medieval and early modern periods in England, following Roger Bacon, George Ripley, John Dee, Robert Boyle, and many others, Jennifer Rampling reveals how alchemical ideas were continually copied and reworked. She maps, over four centuries, their long-term evolution and the influence of the methods of alchemy's many and varied practitioners. Rampling restores the alchemist's reputation as a serious experimentalist who actually knew his chemistry and made significant discoveries, and from this we see how English alchemy fits within the wider history of European science, medicine, and culture"--
Under the insistence of their mentor, Izumi Curtis, the Elric brothers recount the story of life after their mother's passing: their failed resurrection attempt; how they came to see the truth... and an offer from the military they could ...
In 1573, the crippled, scorned, and destitute Meggy Swann goes to London, where she meets her father, an impoverished alchemist, and eventually discovers that although her legs are bent and weak, she has many other strengths.
The fifth volume of Dr Needham's immense undertaking, like the fourth, is subdivided into parts for ease of presentation and assimilation, each part bound and published separately.
Renowned scholar and practitioner John Michael Greer delves into two millennia of tradition, from the earliest alchemists to pagan rituals; from the Philosopher's Stone to Cabala, tarot, and the Knights Templar; and from the first ...
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Gang zhi lian jin shu shi: Fullmetal alchemist
Lens: Orlandi, Giulio Cosimo e Francesco d'Medicialchemisti, Florence: Nardini, 1978. Lerner, Robert E. The Feast of Saint Abraham: ... Lopez, Robert S.“European Merchants in the Medieval Indies: Evidence of Commercial Documents.
The Divine Couple: Selections from the Mystical-Alchemical Treatises of Jacob Boehme and Disciples: A Christian Book of the Mystery of...
Debut novelist Harkness has crafted a mesmerizing and addictive read, equal parts history and magic, romance and suspense--a richly inventive novel about a centuries-old vampire, a spellbound witch, and the mysterious manuscript that draws ...