Across Victorian Britain, in castles and cottages, rectories and pubs, and even hospitals and churches, thousands of women and hundreds of men were put into mesmeric trances. Apparently reasonable human beings twisted into bizarre postures, called out in unknown languages, and placidly bore assaults that should have caused unbearable pain. The Victorians were literally entranced - mesmerized - with this phenomenon.
Brilliant attorney Beth Convey is cut down by a heart attack during arguments of the biggest case of her career.
Mozart's Vienna.
With my first book, Mesmerized was definitely a page-turner and a good read. With my second book, Mesmerized 2: The Next Chapter is even more exciting than my first book. There are a lot of twists and turns in Mesmerized 2.
This book follows the journey of a young couple from Tallahassee, Florida.
The national bestselling author of Insatiable turns up the heat with her latest sizzling adventure. Andrei Solace delivers death on silent feet as an assassin for the Phantom...
She must learn to use her powers for good before it's too late. WARNING: This is a mature YA. Due to sexual content and some language it is not recommended for younger teens.
To my teachers and mentors for their support, friendship, and shared knowledge: Ann Hemenway, Ashley Warlick, Cathy Smith Bowers, Drew Ferguson, Elissa Schappell, Elizabeth Yokas, Harold Schneider, Karen Head, Killian Edwards, ...
Nothing stands in the way of the mesmerized. Not fire, not heights, not rubble. As the bodies pile in the streets and the relentless wave of the mesmerized plods into the deadly desert, Minji i.
Philip will have to bewitch more than her body to accomplish his goals he'll have to mesmerize her heart. Magic in the Works by Ashleigh Raine Take one project manager, Elaine, determined to find success with her newest website technology.