When Arthur pulls the sword from the stone, he becomes king of the land of Logres. Arthur chooses the beautiful Guinevere to be his queen and builds a castle at Camelot. Here he is joined by the famous Knights of the Round Table, whose adventures include slaying dragons, rescuing maidens and fighting the spells of Arthurs half-sister, the cruel sorceress, Morgana.
This classic series of plays, novels, and stories has been adapted, in a friendly format, for students reading at a various levels. Reading Level: 4-8 Interest Level: 6-12
Three Tall Tales
The Bluenose
Routeing Around the Heart of England
Grisou Se Prépare Pour L'hiver
Communication for Tomorrow, Book 1: A Reading Skills Workbook for Adults
Mandy has a garage sale. She need the money. Does she make the right decision?
Bryan Schneider asked to live with his father because a . he didn't like his mother . b . he wanted to live with his stepbrother Peter . c . he wanted to know his father better . d . he didn't want to feel like a sore thumb anymore .
Diving for Treasure
This collection of six stories explores the development of the American short story over the past century - from a fierce critique of modern suburban family life to isolation and lost love in the deep mid-west.CONTENTS:IntroductionUsing a ...