Cinematic depictions of real U.S. presidents from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bush explore how Hollywood movies represent American history and politics on screen. Morgan and his contributors show how films blend myth and reality to present a positive message about presidents as the epitome of America’s values and idealism until unpopular foreign wars in Vietnam and Iraq led to a darker portrayal of the imperial presidency, operated by Richard Nixon and Bush 43. This exciting new collection further considers how Hollywood has continually reinterpreted historically significant presidents, notably Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, to fit the times in which movies about them were made.
Thesis (M.A.) from the year 1998 in the subject American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 1,0, LMU Munich, language: English, abstract: In Hollywood film history, the U.S. president has had many images - a brave leader, an ...
Through textual and visual symbolism, Ulysses Grant, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman—and most especially, Abraham Lincoln—cast long shadows over Capra's protagonists and spread their iconic values throughout his films.
Seminar paper from the year 1999 in the subject American Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, grade: 2,0 (B), LMU Munich (Amerika-Institut), course: Proseminar: The Representation of the American Presidency in Contemporary Hollywood ...
Pop culture expert Dale Sherman examines famous presidents and their movies, detailing historical information for each and how or if the filmmakers and artists came close to telling the real story.
In an early interaction between Elliott and E.T., Elliott shows off a series of Star Wars action figures. Later on, E.T. is trickor-treating, disguised by a white sheet, and tries to chase after a child in a Yoda costume, saying “Home ...
Why are US presidents everywhere on screen? This book sheds new light on fictional representations of the American president in film and TV from the early 1990s to the present.
Nixon at the Movies is a “virtuosic” examination of a man, a culture, and a country in a time of tumult (Slate). “By Feeney's count, Nixon, an unabashed film buff, watched more than 500 movies during the 67 months of his presidency, ...
Redford, Robert, 153 Reds, 195–196 Reeve, Christopher, 228 Reeves, Richard, 131 Regan, Donald, 192 Regan, Phil, 91 Reiner, Rob, 232 religion: FDR image and, 86; and presidential image, 171, 172; in progressivism, 36–37 Remnick, David, ...
John McCabe, Cagney (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1997). Patrick McGilligan, Cagney (San Diego: A.S. Barnes & Company, 1975). Doug Warren with James Cagney, Cagney, The Authorized Biography (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983).
He offers her a deal, a tough deal, but when she gets his help, she gets more than she bargained for. You may think you know where this story is going, but you don’t.