In this important new text, Georg Sørensen provides a systematic assessment of the contemporary state, steering a middle course between those who argue the state is in retreat and their critics.
This Handbook offers a comprehensive treatment of transformations of the state, from its origins in different parts of the world and different time periods to its transformations since World War II in the advanced industrial countries, the ...
The collection considers several aspects of the transformation of the former state socialist countries: social and economic outcomes; forces in the transformation process; problems of consolidation of the new regimes;...
'Non-traditional', border-spanning security problems pervade the global agenda. This is the first book that systematically explains how they are managed.
Instead, this volume employs the concept of ‘state transformation’ as a lens through which to examine rising power states’ foreign policymaking and implementation.
See, for example, D. B. Grusky and R. M. Hauser, 'Comparative Social Mobility Revisited', American Sociological Review, 49, 1984; R. Erikson and J. H. Goldthorpe, 'Commonality and Variation in Social Fluidity in Industrial Nations', ...
This book, which spans the fields of public policy and political economy, contains both empirical information - the results of over forty interviews with top business and government officials - and a theoretical framework that sets French ...
In order to maximize their advantage under such conditions, these elites did not need a robust state apparatus—in fact, all of the incentives under postsocialism pushed them to subvert the infrastructure of governance.Throughout Preying ...
Representing both an important analysis of American politics and an innovative contribution to the study of long-term political change, this pioneering volume reveals how partisan discourse and the relationship between citizens and their ...
Gough argues that these state activities ( and the way in which they are delivered ) in turn create social welfare policies that are conflictladen . How , for example , is it possible in a democratic state with universal suffrage to ...
For their accounts, see Eleanor Calverly, My Arabian Days and Nights (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1958), which offers a personal and professional account by one of the first Western physicians to live in Kuwait; Edwin Calverly, ...