Since the early years of telegraphy, modernity at large generated and has depended upon technologies of electrical/electronic communication and information circulation: from telephone, radio, and television to the internet. This volume reveals these connecting technologies’ geopolitical importance and their crucial relationships with culture, commerce, and communities. Also the authors critically examine their spatial dimensions and transnational implications – as material objects with particular qualities, as elements in institutional complexes, and as ‘vehicles’ carrying complex symbolic meanings. Through in-depth assessments of critical, as well as mundane, events in the history of communications and information, these analyses will significantly alter conventional perspectives both on communications and on modern European history.
This collection presents a true reflection of the EU as an international actor by exploring how it is viewed externally and the impact that events like the Eurozone debt crisis have had on external perceptions of the EU.
The book examines the future of communication in Europe as the author envisions it, full of complex issues involving: the creation of a European public sphere, the European identity crisis, multilingualism, the lessons learned from the ...
This book is a collection of essays that analyse and discuss EU information and communication policies and activities towards, with, by different publics developed both by the EU institutions at the European, national and local levels and ...
Communicating Europe in Italy: Shortcomings and Opportunities
First Published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Originating from a research project funded by the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), this book seeks to advance this research.
marily technocratic in nature , but rather sees European regulation as a mode of governance and its rise and evolution embedded in broader transformations concerning the restructuring of the state and the process of globalization ...
"This book offers a multidisciplinary approach to the consideration of aspects of Europe's linguistic and cultural heritage.
The book challenges the notion that public relations in Europe is no more than a copy of the Anglo-American approach.
This volume focuses on the relationship between the media and European democracy, as important factors of EU legitimacy.