A longitudinal birth cohort study of juvenile delinquency and adult crime among 4079 persons living in Wisconsin from age 6 to early adulthood. Data on police contacts and their dispositions were obtained from the police department and other agencies and other data were obtained by interviewing samples of the 1942 and 1949 cohorts. The 1955 Cohort data were brought up to 1989, recoded, and reanalyzed to determine the importance of alcohol and drug involvement in criminal career continuity.
A longitudinal birth cohort study of juvenile delinquency and adult crime among 4079 persons living in Wisconsin from age six to early adulthood.
U r: w :s E 10 - ' 8 0.8* I>' 0.7 1;.' E 0.5 0.5 — 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 I O _- . I- . Violent IOR Nonviolent IOR General IOR Type of court-reported offense Battin—Pearson, S., Thornberry, ...
This book presents a detailed and comprehensive critical analysis of evidence on adolescent research from leading international scholars.
This is a book for 'thinking' practitioners and those concerned with creating local multiagency policy or working with drug users and offenders selling or using drugs.
Today's Delinquent
In the 1980s, the already welldocumented relationship between drugs and crime was thought to be causational and uni-directional (Gropper 1985), with some drugs in particular (e.g., “street heroin”) being directly associated with ...
This volume brings together a sample of the best of the studies that illustrate two recent trends in research on deviant behavior. The first of these trends is the investigation of deviant behavior in longitudinal perspective.
Onder, op en over de schreef. In: Vettenburg, N., Elchardus, M., and Walgrave, L. (Eds.) Jongeren in cijfers en letters. Bevindingen uit de JOP-monitor 1. Leuven: LannooCampus Detry, I., Goedseels, E., and Vanneste, C. (2006).
This book reveals the nature and magnitude of drug and alcohol use in American society, and public opinion on drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse. It examines the illicit drug trade, the war on drugs, and law enforcement.
Drugs and Violence: Causes, Correlates, and Consequences