The aesthetic vocabulary of video games / Joost van Dreunen -- Can games get real?: a closer look at documentary digital games / Ian Bogost and Cindy Poremba -- Emotional design of computer games and fiction films / Doris C. Rush -- "Applied game theory": innovation, diversity, experimentation in contemporary game design / Henry Jenkins and Kurt Squire -- There and back again: reuse, signifiers, and consistency in created game spaces / Peter Berger -- Another bricolage in the wall: Deleuze and teenage alienation / Jeffrey P. Cain -- Programming violence: language and the making of interactive media / Claudia Herbst -- Impotence and agency: computer games as a post-9/11 battlefield / Henry Lowood -- S(t)imulating war: from early films to military games / Daphnée Rentfrow -- Player in fabula: ethics of interaction as semiotic negotiation between authorship and readership / Massimo Maietti -- "Moral management": dealing with moral concerns to maintain enjoyment of violent video games / Christoph Klimmt ... [et al.] ... -- Beyond good and evil: the inhuman ethics of Redemption and Bloodlines / Will Slocombe -- Preconscious apocalypse: the failure of capitalism in computer games / Sven O. Cavalcanti -- Borders and bodies in City of heroes: (re)imaging American identity post-9/11 / Nowell Marshall -- Anti-PC games: exploring articulations of the politically incorrect in GTA San Adreas / Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann -- Strip: shift: impose: recycle: overload: spill: breakout: abuse: artists' (mis- )appropriations of shooter games / Maia Engeli -- Presence-play: the hauntology of the computer game / Dean Lockwood and Tony Richards -- Negotiating online computer games in East Asia: manufacturing Asian MMORPGs and marketing Asianness / Dean Chan -- Teenage girls play house: the cyber drama of The Sims / Lynda Dyson.
But there are important differences, as Arthur Asa Berger makes clear in this important new work.
... Computer Games as a Post-9/11 Battlefield.” In Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Games Without Frontiers, War Without Tears, edited by Andreas Jahn-Sudmann, 78–86 ... Games 2K Boston. 2007. BioShock [Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows,
Individual texts that focus on aspects of Japanese gaming have historically tended to proliferate, ... socio-cultural, techno-nationalist and economic dimensions needed to fully understand gaming as both a new media and social ...
This book adopts a multi-disciplinary approach and captures emerging trends as well as the issues and challenges faced by businesses, their managers and their workforce in the games industry.
... Game Studies,” Games and Culture I (2006): 83—88. 20. Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann, “Anti-PC Games: Exploring Articulations of the Politically Incorrect in GTA San Andreas.” In Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon, ed ...
... playing games, has been insufficiently explored. 2. Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann, 'Introduction', in Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann, eds, Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon: Games without Frontiers, War ...
Therefore, it is timely to ponder the possibility for a working-class network society, its transformative potentials for media cultures in China and the world over (Qiu 2009). The remarkable spread of working-class ICTs poses serious ...
... Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon. Games without Frontiers Wars without Tears, edited by Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann, 69-77. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Juul, Jesper. Half Real: Video Games between Real ...
With contributions by scholars and gamers from all over the world, this collection offers a unique perspective to the intersections of religion and the virtual world.
This volume describes video game history and culture across every continent, with essays covering areas as disparate and far-flung as Argentina and Thailand, Hungary and Indonesia, Iran and Ireland.