This collection of six stories explores the development of the American short story over the past century - from a fierce critique of modern suburban family life to isolation and lost love in the deep mid-west.CONTENTS:IntroductionUsing a dictionaryThe Genre of American Stories The Gift of the Magi by O HenryThe Lost Phoebe by Theodore DreiserThe Baby Party by F Scott FitzgeraldYou Were Perfectly Fine by Dorothy ParkerThe Romantic by Patricia HighsmithFull Circle by Edith WhartonEssa
Presents a collection of fifty-six familiar and unfamiliar stories by such writers as Washington Irving, Ernest Hemingway, Edgar Allan Poe, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry James, and Kate Chopin.
Settle back with these stories of America¿s early years and watch your children¿s eyes light up with interest and patriotism.
Focuses readers on the story of American history.
This collection is for you. Not yet sure how to feel about short stories? This collection is definitely for you. Whoever you are, wherever you are: read these stories!
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Focuses readers on the story of American history.
An anthology of top-selected short fiction by new and established American writers includes pieces by Deborah Einsenberg, Anthony Doerr and Charles Yu. Original.
"This is the philosophy behind American Stories: A History of the United States. A single purpose has motivated the creation of this book: to enhance the accessibility of American history and thereby increase students' chances of success.
Variously funny, frightening, poignant, and exhilarating, these collected stories displays the best American writers at the peak of their powers and the national narrative at its most eloquent, truthful, and inventive.
By combining these narratives, Our Stories illustrates the diversity, vibrancy, and power of the South Asian American community.
Reflecting the fertile culture of the American experience, this collection of stories includes works by Raymond Carver, Jayne Anne Phillips, Ellen Gilchrist, Poe, Hawthorne, Hemingway, Kate Chopin, and other distinguished authors