"In this brilliant meditation on the varying conceptions of history, Jacques Le Goff, one of the leading members of the French "Annales" school, examines the oppositions between past and present, ancient and modern as well as the various continuities in the evolutions of the historical spirit." "Clearly written, broad-ranging, and richly allusive, History and Memory is a provocative book that will inspire a better understanding of historical work and provide an overview of the "new history" that has revolutionized historical studies over the post half century. Le Goff has written a new preface for the English language edition, which examines recent trends in historiography."--Jacket.
This book will be essential reading for students of history and memory, providing an accessible guide to the historical study of memory through a focus on varied source materials.
Dominick LaCapra focuses on the interactions among history, memory, and ethicopolitical concerns as they emerge in the aftermath of the Shoah.
Paul A. Cohen believes this interplay between story and history is a worldwide phenomenon found in countries of radically different cultural, religious, and social character.
15 Christopher L. Hill, National History and the World of Nations: Capital, State and the Rhetoric of History in Japan, France and the United States (Durham, NC, 2009). 16 John Breuilly, Nationalism and the State (Manchester, 1993).
Cultural critic Jim Cullen is lively, informative, and incisive, and this book will help readers look at past times, present times, and prime time in a new light.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953. Aug ́e, Marc. Les Formes de l'oubli. Paris: Payot, 1998. Augustine. The Confessions. Translated by R. S. Pine-Coffin. New York: Penguin Books, 1961. Bachelard, Gaston. The Poetics of Space.
Examining the intersection between history and memory from a wide range of perspectives, and supported by guidance on further reading and online resources, this book is ideal for students of history as well as those working within the broad ...
This book explores the different aspects of the study of history and memory. Divided into three parts the book covers life-stories: gender, class, trauma and working with 'memory'.
This pioneering work is essential and enlightening reading for all historians, many sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists and university students.
This volume shows how the concept of memory has been used and appropriated in different historical circumstances and how it has changed throughout the history of philosophy.