In a major revision of feminist-psychoanalytic theories of film pleasure and sexual difference, Studlar's close textual analysis of the six Paramount films directed by Josef von Sternberg and starring Marlene Dietrich probes the source of their visual and psychological complexity. Borrowing from Gilles Deleuze's psychoanalytic-literary approach, Studlar shows how masochism extends beyond the clinical realm, into the arena of artistic form, language, and production of pleasure. The author's examination of the von Sternberg/Dietrich collaborations shows how these films, with the mother figure embodied in the alluring yet androgynous Dietrich, offer a key for understanding film's "masochistic aesthetic." Studlar argues that masochism's broader significance to film study lies in the similarities between the structures of perversion and those of the cinematic apparatus, as a dream screen reviving archaic visual pleasures for both male and female spectators.
... construction of readers as passive spectators , 275 ; social aspirations of ads , 280–81 ; and transformation of self - making to stress personality rather than character , 282 Fanon , Frantz : The Wretched of the Earth , 105 fans ...
Fireflies Issue #5 pairs a living legend of French cinema with an artist yet to receive due recognition outside of her native Germany, despite being one of the country's pre-eminent cineastes.
Essays and autobiography from one of the pioneers of feminist film theory. ldquo;This collection of writings by B. Ruby Rich is sure to become a classic.
... The New Orleans Review , 19/2 ( 1992 ) , 52-8 ( “ Monstrous Identity : Female Socialization in El espíritu de la colmena ' ) ; and George Cabello - Castellet , Jaume Martí - Olivella , and Guy H. Wood ( eds . ) ...
With almost two decades of work, from the critically acclaimed low-budget Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story to Far from Heaven (for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for screenwriting), Todd Haynes has established himself as ...
"Everyone intrigued by the verve of Dorothy Porter's life and work will love this book.
This collection of essays deals directly and compellingly with contemporary issues in African cinema.
In this volume, artist Rachel Rose has produced an innovative work that extends and adds to the essay's frame of reference.
This collection demonstrates the diverse legacy of feminist film studies.
Feminism and Cinema for the Moment Laleen Jayamanne. might explain the déjà vu of much current scholarship . ( As one of Jane Wagner's characters says , " I've lost the same ten pounds so many times , my cellulite is experiencing déjà vu ...