Identifies and explores the common factors and techniques of social work interviewing and translates those commonalities in terms of specific occupational settings
The Case of Mr. Morris Interview One Interviewer : Good morning , Mr. Morris . How are you feeling today ? Mr. Morris : I'd rather be out of here . Interviewer : You'd rather be out of here . You've been here for two days ... this is ...
Examining the process of interviewing as a core area of market research, this volume examines interviewing techniques.
建構解決之道的會談: 焦點解決短期治療
This case study examines the challenges and issues in using narrative interviews to elicit valid and trustworthy testimony about the authenticity of experiences of teachers after school shootings.
Ben shu jie shao le she hui xue ke yan jiu zhong shi yong fang tan fang fa de li lun ji chu he shi ji cao zuo, You qi shi zuo zhe gen ju yi you de yan jiu shi jian ti chu de shi ji cao zuo, Jie he ju ti an li jin xing le xiang jin de jie ...
New To This EditionExpanded text material includes three new chapters Chapter 3: "Social Work Practice and Theory;" Chapter 4: "The Cultural Context of Practice: Using Interviewing Skills Effectively;" and, Chapter 5: "The Engagement ...
This book was the winner of the 2005 Jacqueline A. Ross Dissertation Award for second or foreign language testing.
When you were a kid, what were some of the things you dreamed of being when you grew up?
Jaarboek 2001 Marktonderzoek Associatie. ... Van der Wouden, Ries, & Erica de Bruijne (2001) De stad in de omtrek. Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Van Goor, Annemiek, ...