Equally suitable for undergraduates and specialists in the humanities, this collection provides an in-depth introduction to debates within post-colonial theory and criticism. The readings are drawn from a diverse selection of Third World and Western thinkers, both historical and contemporary. "Post-colonialism" is taken by the editors to include Third World and diasporic experience; like "colonialism," it is understood to contain a complex set of cultural, ethnographic, political, and economic processes and conflicts. This volume explores such issues as the nature of colonized cultures and anti-colonial resistance; subaltern historiography; constructions of Western subjectivity, knowledge, and gender; the formation of post-colonial intellectuals; the metropolitan institutionalization of post-colonialism; neo-colonialism; and the nature of minority and post-colonial identity and discourse. One section is devoted to the application of theoretical formulations to cultural criticism, and contains a number of textual analyses. A general introduction to the volume as well as introductions to each section provide historical, theoretical, and poltical contexts for the readings. The book concludes with an extensive bibliography.
This book on post-colonial theory has a wide geographic range and a breadth of historical perspectives. Central to the book is a critique of the very idea of the 'postcolonial' itself.
The first book of its kind in the field, this timely introduction to post- colonial theory offers lucid and accessible summaries of the major work of key theorists such as Frantz Fanon, Edward Said.Homi Bhabha and Gayatri Spivak.
This popular text provides an in-depth introduction to debates within post-colonial theory and criticism. The readings are drawn from a diverse selection of thinkers both historical and contemporary.
With new coverage of emerging debates around globalization, this second edition will continue to serve as the ideal guide for students new to colonial discourse theory, postcolonial studies or postcolonial theory as well as a reference for ...
... H. (Rutherford) 43, 132 Malik, K. 161, 165 Malinowski, Bronislaw 155 Manning, P. 173 Maolain, C.O. 126 Marley, Bob 134, 166 Marx, Karl 31, 176, 177 Matthews, J.P. 171 Maurice, Saint 160 Maxwell, A. 149, 150 Maxwell, D.E.S. 41 Mba, ...
Although he is perceptive enough to spot the points where Hulme is violating his categories , he does not realize ... Edward Said writes of Conrad that even when writing about the oppressed , all he ' can see is a world dominated by the ...
In so doing, the book presents a reappraisal of the major postcolonial thinkers of the twentieth century.Ranging beyond the narrow selection of theorists to which the field is often restricted, the book explores the work of Fanon and Sartre ...
Offers a lucid introduction to postcolonial studies, one of the most important strands in recent literary theory and cultural studies.
This edition also has extensive discussions of temporality, and the relationship between premodern, colonial and contemporary forms of racism.
Through a broad-ranging survey of the allegory, utopia, the historical novel and the epic in post-colonial literature, Jean-Pierre Durix proposes a critical reassessment of the theory of genres.