At the beginning of the twentieth century, labor leaders in women's unions routinely chastised their members for their ceaseless pursuit of fashion, avid reading of dime novels, and "affected" ways, including aristocratic airs and accents. Indeed, working women in America were eagerly participating in the burgeoning consumer culture available to them. While the leading activists, organizers, and radicals feared that consumerist tendencies made working women seem frivolous and dissuaded them from political action, these women, in fact, went on strike in very large numbers during the period, proving themselves to be politically active, astute, and effective. In Ladies of Labor, Girls of Adventure, historian Nan Enstad explores the complex relationship between consumer culture and political activism for late nineteenth- and twentieth-century working women. While consumerism did not make women into radicals, it helped shape their culture and their identities as both workers and political actors. Examining material ranging from early dime novels about ordinary women who inherit wealth or marry millionaires, to inexpensive, ready-to-wear clothing that allowed them to both deny and resist mistreatment in the workplace, Enstad analyzes how working women wove popular narratives and fashions into their developing sense of themselves as "ladies." She then provides a detailed examination of how this notion of "ladyhood" affected the great New York shirtwaist strike of 1909--1910. From the women's grievances, to the walkout of over 20,000 workers, to their style of picketing, Enstad shows how consumer culture was a central theme in this key event of labor strife. Finally, Enstad turns to the motion picture genre of female adventure serials, popular after 1912, which imbued "ladyhood" with heroines' strength, independence, and daring.
See also National Recovery Administration Motion Picture Code ; Roosevelt , Franklin Griffith , David W. , 62 Harding , Warren G. , 62 , 66 , 148 Harlow , Jean , 139 Harrison , Pete / Harrison's Reports , 147 Hayes , Cardinal Patrick ...
... Fashion Climbing, 159. 18 Diana Vreeland as quoted in Hamish Bowles, “Defining Style,” in Jacqueline Kennedy: The ... Stephen Jones and Britishness,” in Geert Brulout and Kaat Debo, eds., Stephen Jones and the Accent of Fashion (Tielt ...
Jensen, With These Hands; Eldridge, Women and Freedom in Early America, 17; McLoughlin, Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic, chap. 16. IIo. White, Middle Ground, 503; McLoughlin, Cherokee Renascence in the New Republic, 63. III.
Catherine S. Ramírez draws on interviews she conducted with Mexican American women who came of age in Los Angeles in the late 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s as she recovers the neglected stories of pachucas.
... Labor, 3–4, 8. See the earlier discussion of Lowell women and clothing. Lowell women manipulated dress to contest ... Ladies of Labor, Girls of Adventure. The phrase “economic identification” is in Steedman, Landscape for a Good Woman ...
Remaking the Workers' City Craig Heron. Labor, Girls of Adventure, 68–69, 82. On this more positive possibility for the woman's (unfairly low) wage see Kessler-Harris, Woman's Wage, 26–29. 33. HT, 24 Aug. 1917, 1; Peiss, Cheap Amusements ...
... sensationalizes what the author says is 'good to learn of others' afflictions'” (America's Sketchbook, 111). ... and Naturalism (2005), John Vernon, Money and Fiction (1984), and Susan S. Williams, Reclaiming Authorship (2006). 15.
... women's use of dress as a source of power, see Nan Enstad, Ladies of Labor, Girls of Adventure: Working Women, Popular Culture, and Labor Politics at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999). 41 ...
Irish Immigrant and Southern Black Domestic Workers Danielle T. Phillips-Cunningham. 2. I borrow the term “working ladyhood” from Nan Enstad's Ladies of Labor, Girls of Adventure: Working Women, Popular Culture, and Labor Politics at the ...
6. Julie Roy Jeffrey, Frontier Women (New York: Hill and Wang, 1979). 7. Sandra Myres, Westering Women and the Frontier Experience, 1800–1915 (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982). 8.