Activism is alive and well in the United States, according to Melissa Checker and Maggie Fishman. It exists on large and small scales and thrives in unexpected places. Finding activism in backyards, art classes, and urban areas branded as "ghettos," these anthropologists explore the many routes people take to work toward social change. Ten absorbing studies present activist groups across the country -- from transgender activists in New York City, to South Asian teenagers in Silicon Valley, to evangelical Christians and Palestinian Americans. Each one examines a social change effort as it unfolds on the ground. Through their anthropological approach these portraits of American society suggest the inherent possibilities in identity-based organizing and offer crucial in-depth perspectives on such hotly debated topics as multiculturalism and the culture wars, the environment, racism, public education, Native American rights, and the Christian right. Moving far beyond the walls of academia, the contributors address the complex issues that arise when researchers have stakes in the subjects they study. Scholars can play multiple roles in the activist struggles they recount, and these essays illustrate how ethnographic research itself can become a tool for activism.
Learning Basic Skills With Geography/Grades 2-3
In his study of Islam in Yogyakarta , Mark Woodward identifies two modes of piety based on divergent interpretations of a single set of cultural / religious axioms ( Woodward , 1989 : 6-7 ) . Normative piety focuses on a set of ...
The Mitten * * One cold winter's day , a little boy was sent out into the woods to bring back some firewood . After the boy had loaded up his wheelbarrow with sticks and logs , he headed for home . But just as he grabbed hold of the ...
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Study of an Urban Housing Estate by a Primary School Class
Once Upon a Place
Cole I et al, 1997 (note 44). Found that residents rated the mixed tenure development (Gordon Road) highest in overall satisfaction (86 per cent satisfied or very satisfied). Page and Boughton, 1997 (note 41), found satisfaction with ...
Reproducable full-colour storybooks and storyboard cutouts provide ready-to-use activities. Includes information: all about me; all about my family; all about my friends; all about my home; and all about my neighbourhood.
Fraser, C. Gerald. “Blacks and Whites Found to Have Misapprehensions on Impact of'Roots.'” New York Times, June 7, 1977, 71. Fraser, Nancy. “Rethinking the Public Sphere: A Contribution to the Critique of Actually Existing Democracy.
Scott Foresman Social Studies (©2005) components for Grade 2.
This is a social and cultural analysis of community life in metropolitan areas of three nations--the United States, Sweden, and England.