Eminent historian Richard Lyman Bushman presents an engaging history of the Mormon religion that is full of intricate subplots and peculiar twists. He discusses the Book of Mormon's ambivalence toward republican government and its fascination with records, translation, and history, explores the culture of the Lamanites (the enemies of the favored people), and recasts Joseph Smith as an original thinker who offered the possibility of belief in a time of growing skepticism. Believing History is also a rare and honest confession in which Bushman reflects on his faith and ponders how scholars are to write about subjects in which they are personally invested. In this book, believers gain a whole new perspective on their religion, nonbelievers learn that Mormonism cannot be summed up with a simple label, and all are treated to a provocative and open look at a believing historian studying his own faith.
This is a review of world history from a Bible believer's perspective. It is designed for use by homeschoolers but anyone can learn from it.
Moreover , there are grounds for believing that the earliest Christian writers , as historians , drew upon and benefited from both Greek and Hebrew historical traditions in nearly equal measure.3 2. Moses I. Finley , introduction to The ...
Surveys the progression of the Christian experience within historical, social, economic, and cultural contexts.
Mansaku , S. , Vepra e Pjetër Bogdanit si burim për historinë e gjuhës shqipe , in A. Kostallari , ed . , Pjetër Bogdani dhe ... Mitchell , R. L. N. , A Muslim - Christian Sect in Cyprus , The Nineteenth Century and After , 63 ( Jan.
14 Mandelbaum, while he occasionally conflated what made a historical belief true with what made it justified by speaking of the latter as dependent upon the former, in general strongly insisted that the historical truth of statements ...
Bushman discusses the book's ambivalence toward republican government, explores the culture of the Lamanites (the enemies of the favored people), and traces the book's fascination with records, translation, and history.
Describes the basic doctrines, history, and religious practices of Christianity, including Christian concepts of human nature, and profiles famous Christian figures throughout history.
"A sumptuously written people's history and a major retelling and reinterpretation of the story of the English Reformation Centuries on, what the Reformation was and what it accomplished remain deeply contentious.
4 Trial of Barbra Parish , The Scots Law Times , 78 ; Kirk , 58-9 . 5 Trial of Isobel Gowdie , Pitcairn vol . 3 , 604-609 ; For ' shot to dead ' cases see Selected Justiciary Cases , 1624-1650 ed . Stair A. Gillon ( Edinburgh 1953 ) ...
Reeves, Marjorie. The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages: A Study in Ioachimism ... Schuler, Robert M. “Some Spiritual Alchemies of Seventeenth-Century England.” Iournal of the History of Ideas 41 (April-Iune 1980): 293-318.