Antidemocracy in America is a collective effort to understand the fragility of American democracy and how to protect it from the buried contradictions that Trump's victory brought into view. It offers essays from leading scholars on topics including race, religion, gender, civil liberties, protest, inequality, immigration, and the media.
... 71,72, 99 daring for democracy, 149-63; Democracy Movement, narrative of 157–59; engagement, increasing, 152–56; ... 149–51; political imagination, 160–63; pro-democracy candidates, 156; resistance movements, 151–52 Davis, Angela, ...
For this important work, its cofounders are the recipients of the 2022 Brown Democracy Medal.
For versions of this argument, see Rousseau 1997; Gould 1988,45–85. Carol Gould argues that democracy is necessary for the good of autonomous self-government and goes on to assert that citizens are entitled to democracy. 18.
Fateful alliances -- Gatekeeping in America -- The great Republican abdication -- Subverting democracy -- The guardrails of democracy -- The unwritten rules of American politics -- The unraveling -- Trump against the guardrails -- Saving ...
Laboratories against Democracy shows how national political conflicts are increasingly flowing through the subnational institutions of state politics—with profound consequences for public policy and American democracy.
Winner of the Lillian Smith Book Award Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist for the National Book Award The Nation's "Most Valuable Book" “[A] vibrant intellectual history of the radical right.”—The Atlantic “This ...
In the Ruins of Neoliberalism casts the hard-right turn as animated by socioeconomically aggrieved white working- and middle-class populations but contoured by neoliberalism’s multipronged assault on democratic values.
The book cuts across political parties and ideologies and speaks directly to those among us who are concerned about the ever-tightening noose being placed around our liberties.
Killing the Koala and Poisoning the Prairie: Australia, America, and the Environment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. Braverman, Irus, and Elizabeth R. Johnson, eds. Blue Legalities: The Life and Laws of the Sea.
Presidents proclaim it and politicians remind us. Some believe this land was ordained by God to be the most dominant influence throughout the world. These are bold claims indeed.